
Common Problems

When things go wrong, you want to try to identify the area that is causing problems (UI, REST API, etc). If it’s the UI, look for errors in the browser console or the terminal to see if it’s a dependency issue.

UI Dependency Issues

$ rm -rf node_modules
$ yarn install

Not getting latest API changes

This is a known issue. This is the workaround for using the latest REST image from the Docker stream.

NOTE: This deletes your Minishift instance, installs OpenShift templates for the pods, and restarts Minishift.

Disclaimer: It’s not 100% clear what -i docker for Syndesis Minishift --install does exactly, but there is no way to invoke those evals before you get a running VM, which is what --full-reset does. So as a rule of thumb, you can have a terminal with those evals and keep it open and do all of the Syndesis building from there.

$ syndesis minishift --full-reset --install -p syndesis --disk-size=60GB

syndesis command not found

If you get 'syndesis' command not found then use the full path to the syndesis binary instead. This assumes you are in the root of the project directory.

$ ./tools/bin/syndesis ${options}

If OpenShift templates have been updated

This should not be the first choice, since it changes the IP of the VM, and in general should not be necessary for just building and updating the version.

$ syndesis minishift --full-reset --install -p syndesis --disk-size 60GB

Checking if requested hypervisor ‘*’ is supported on this platform … FAIL

This means the default driver you are using on your minishift to run the virtual machines is either not properly installed or not configured.

You can explictly define the driver for the virtual machine with the vm-driver option. For example, if you want to use KVM (default best for most Linux environments):

$ syndesis minishift --full-reset --install -p syndesis --disk-size 60GB --vm-driver=kvm

You can also add this configuration by default on your environment with:

$ minishift config set vm-driver $your-driver
No Minishift instance exists. New 'vm-driver' setting will be applied on next 'minishift start'

VM Trouble

$ syndesis build

Pods self updating

Occasionally you can notice some syndesis pods may have been updated, it occurs because the image streams are pointing to dockerhub and whenever there is an update of that image on dockerhub, then your local pod will be updated. To prevent theses updates, set the DEV_SUPPORT=true environment variable on syndesis-operator deployment config.

$ oc set env dc/syndesis-operator DEV_SUPPORT=true

Other things you can try: - rm -rf ~/.minishift - Check the OpenShift console and look for logs. - Is it a xip or nip problem?


Examining logs

When a problem occur, the first thing should be to examine the logs.

# syndesis-server pod
$ oc logs -f `oc get -o name pod -l`

# log of an integration named "twilog"
$ oc logs -f `oc get -o name pod -l -l`

# postgresql log
$ oc logs -f `oc get -o name pod -l` -c postgresql

You can examine the pod initialization events and many other details about the pod.

$ oc describe `oc get -o name pod -l`

Enable the java debug agent on a pod

# to enable debug on an integration named "twilog"
$ oc set env `oc get dc -o name|grep twilog` JAVA_DEBUG=true

# to enable debug on syndesis-server
$ oc set env dc/syndesis-server JAVA_DEBUG=true

Connect to postgresql database

You can use psql tool to connect to the postgresql database.

$ oc port-forward `oc get -o name pod -l` 5432:5432
$ psql -U syndesis -h localhost syndesis domains are not working

Some DNS resolvers don’t work properly with domains because they point to local IPs. You can fix this by adding those domains to your hosts file.

On Linux, this can be solved with something like:

IP=$(minishift ip)
echo "$IP    $ syndesis.$ docker-registry-default.$" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts;

Syndesis behaves strangely/Complains of low space

Try to prune Minishift. More info on the Day to Day command guide.

Still Having Trouble?

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